What file types are accepted for upload on PrintPostersNow.com? |
PrintPostersNow.com accepts the most common image files type like JPEG (file with .jpg extension), Graphics Interchange Format (file with .gif extension) & Portable Network Graphics (file with .png extension). Most of the images file types or art work files can be converted into above file types. For other file types like .tif, .bmp, .pdf, .eps, .psd, etc. contact us. We may be able to help you convert the files. |
What is the size limit for the file that can be uploaded? |
Maximum file size limit is 100 Mega byte |
What is the best image size to get a high quality large format print? |
The minimum image size requirement will vary depending on your desired print size. Once you upload your image, make your media(material) selection and then please refer to Image Quality Results while choosing your specific custom print size. If the image quality result shows "Best" you will get the best high quality print. |
Will PrintPostersNow.com accept my email orders? |
PrintPostersNow does not accept image files or orders via email. But can help its customer to convert their image files which are other than .JPG, .GIF or PNG formats. Once your files are converted in acceptable formats, you may upload it via PrintPostersNow.com and proceed with placing your order. You may also Contact us |
Choosing Your Print Options |
Can I choose a desired Print Size for my image file or artwork to be printed? |
Yes, you can specify any desired print size for printing as long as it is within the print media limit. Most of the print media limit are between 41" x 109".
Once you upload your image, select the print media(material) on which you need. Next step will take you to size and quality selection. Where you may be able to specify your required print size.
If you select "Maintain Image Aspect Ratio" you have to key in only one dimension, Width or Height and the other side will be automatically calculated according to your image size aspect ratio. And there will be no need of cropping the image.
If you Unselect "Maintain Image Aspect Ratio" you can key in Height & Width of the print size. A selection tool will appear on your image to help you choose the print area that you need to me printed.
Can I crop my image to fit my desired Print Size? |
Yes, once you upload the image. Select the print media (material), you will be redirected to a image preview page. Where you can enter your desired print size. After you have keyed in Width and Height which does not match your image aspect ratio a marquee selection tool will appear on the image. Click on the image and using the marquee tool you can crop the image. Image inside the marquee will be printed. A preview of your selected image will also be shown in your shopping cart.
How to add Special Effects to my image? |
PrintPostersNow.com allows you to add special effects on your prints in the preview page. Special effects like converting your image to black & white or sepia tone. |
Choosing Your Print Options |
How do I choose my next day or other shipping service? |
Once you finalize your image and proceed to checkout. You will be asked to provide your shipping address. Based on your shipping address the next page will be displayed, showing you different shipping services. You may then pick the required shipping service.
Like Priority Mail (within USA): Takes about 2-5 days to deliver the package after shipping. Rates vary depending on your location, but usually are under $9 for 1 to 4 poster orders.
OR Express Mail (within USA): Takes 1 day to deliver the package after shipping. Rates vary depending on your location, but usually are under $50 for 1 to 4 posters order.
For Orders outside USA : International Priority Mail service will appear. Delivery days may vary depending on your location.
Processing Fee? |
Orders for $19.99 and below will be charged a $5.00 processing fee.
Creating & Managing Your Account |
How do I create an account with you?
Account can be created using the "My Account" link which is located on the top of the home page. Your account will help you track your new and old orders.
How do I access my account?
You can access your account by clicking on the "My Account" link at the top of the web page. You will then enter the email address you used to create the account along with your password.
Forgot password?
In order to if you forget password for your account, you will click on "Forgot Your Password?" link which is located under the account sign-in. You will then need to enter the email address that you used for your account and you will be emailed your password recovery details immediately, but it may take up to 10 minutes.
I would like to view my previous orders?
Once you have signed into your account using "My Account" link which is located on the top of the page. Scroll about half way down the page where you will see a section titled "Past Orders". There you will see a list displaying all your previous orders.
I want to update my shipping address?
Once you signed into your account using "My Account" link which is located on the top of the page. Navigate down on the page your address will be displayed. And below that link "Update" will take you to a page that will help you modify your shipping address.
I would like to re-order a past print order?
At this time we do not offer re-order service. Buy you can use previously uploaded pictures from "My Account" page and place a new order.
Shipping & Package information |
What is the processing time for my order?
There are two options available for processing your order.
Normal Processing :- No extra charge for processing takes upto 3 business days to ship. Orders that you placed on a Saturday or Sunday will take as orders placed on Monday. We make every effort to process orders as quickly as possible.
Rush Processing :- For urgent orders a 9% extra charge with minimum of $5 surcharge and maximum of $49 will take a processing of 1 business day to ship out. Orders that you placed on a Saturday or Sunday will take as orders placed on Monday. We make every effort to process orders accurately and as quickly as possible. Orders cut-off time is 11am Central Standard Time within Monday thru Friday. Any orders placed will be considered as orders placed on following business day and will be shipped by the end of the day. This method of processing excludes foam board mounting orders and laminating orders as some media takes about a day to completely dry the inks.
Please refer to Processing & Shipping link for more info.
After processing my order and shipping how long will it take to arrive?
All our shipments are shipped via USPS Mail. Depending on the shipping service selected by you while checkout. USPS Shipping services will be displayed and can be selected on your need. Once your order as been shipped we will provide you with a tracking number. You can track your order on www.USPS.com. For urgent orders, we recommend you choose Rush Processing and USPS Express Shipping Service. We do NOT guarantee shipping/transit time, it solely depends on the service you choose and USPS Mail transit.
How can I receive my order overnight?
You can receive your order overnight if you place your order before 11:00 AM CST between Monday - Friday. Any order placed after 11:00 AM CST will be considered as next business day order.
After you place your order before 11:00 AM, you must choose Rush Processing option and USPS Express mail service which delivers the item by next business day. We do not take responsibility for USPS transit time, since it solely depends on their delivery network.
Mounted orders will take one extra business day for processing even if you choose Rush Processing. Adhesive used for mounting needs about a day to dry completely before we pack for shipping.
Orders are only shipped out from Monday thru Friday. Orders placed after 11:00 AM Friday will be considered as order placed on following Monday before 11:00 AM.
We will always try our best to fill all orders as quickly and accurately as possible. Please refer to Processing & Shipping link for more info.
Can I get a single package shipped for multiple prints?
Yes, you can receive a single package for your multiple unmounted prints. For mounted print orders we can only ship 3-5 mounting together depending on your mounting size.
How is my order packaged?
Print orders for unmounted prints will be shipped in USPS Tube or Commercial grade shipping tube.
For Mounted orders it will be packed in rigid cardboard shipping box.
Please refer to Processing & Shipping link for more info.
More info about materials and other finishing options. |
What types of materials are available to order prints?
There are wide types of materials available to choose from. Once you upload your image you will be able to select the material of your choice.
Currently we carry the following materials :-
- Heavyweight Plain Paper - $1.99 / Sq Foot.
- Glossy Photo Paper - $2.99 / Sq Foot.
- Premium Quality Backlit Film - $3.99 / Sq Foot.
- Durable Scrim Banner - $3.99 / Sq Foot.
- Photographer's Choice Canvas - $5.99 / Sq Foot.
- 16-mil Banner Media - $3.99 /Sq Foot.
To find detailed information about the material please click the "Materials & Option" located on the top of the page.
Does color fade if kept in direct sunlight?
We use Original HP Manufactured Vivera Inks for vibrant colors and wide color gamut. According to HP's website "HP Vivera inks give you bright, vivid, amazing colors that resist fading for 108 years.*".
* Source "http://h71036.www7.hp.com/hho/cache/331414-0-0-39-121.html"
We do not guarantee about fading colors, since we have no test done for it. Most of the prints fade over a period of time. In general fading time solely depends on the intensity of sunlight and duration of exposure of the print. Prints can be protected by choosing Lamination option when placing order.
How do I make sure prints are water-resistant?
Some of the materials offered by us have a water-resistant characteristic. For more info please click on "Materials & Option" located on the top of the page.
Are prints good for ourdoor?
Yes, some of our materials are outdoor ready. But we don't suggest for using them outdoors. Climate, Rain, Sunlight, and other external elements affect the print longevity. We recommend them to be laminated before any outdoor use. Paper products are not recommended. For more info please click on "Materials & Option" located on the top of the page.
What type of lamination material is used to laminate my prints?
A 3-mil high gloss UV laminating film with an optically clear permanent acrylic adhesive is used to laminate prints. Laminating film is trimmed with the print area and does not hang outside the print.
Does laminating print make it waterproof?
When the print is laminated it get its surface covered with a clear film coat. This protects the print material from any liquid or dirt but cannot completely guarantee of being waterproof. Lamination makes the print water resistant.
Can cleaning liquid be used to wipe a laminated print?
Only non toxic cleaning liquids can be used along with a soft towel paper.
How is lamination cost calculated?
Laminating cost is calculated according to the size of print. It is $1.49 / Sq foot. Once you select Lamination while placing the order it will be added in your print amount.
Can my print be mounted?
Yes, your print can be mounted on a foam board. Some materials offered by us have a option for mounting. Materials like Backlit, Scrim Banner Material, etc can't be mounted on a form board.
What type of material is used for mounting?
Form Board or Corrugated plastic board is used to mount prints. With selecting a mounting option you can protect your photographs from unusual bending or curling. A mounted print can be easily used for display or wall hangings.
Will mounted prints require additional processing time?
Mounting requires 1 additional business day for processing as the adhesive takes a day to dry. For Rush Processing we will ship mounted prints by the end of the 2nd business day. For Normal Processing we will ship mounted prints by the end of the 7th business day.
How can I add print quantity?
To add print quantity of a print in your shopping cart, you have to click on your quantity.
How do I delete print order in the shopping cart?
To delete print order in your shopping cart, you have to click on "X" button
What will be my shipping cost?
Once you finalize your order in the shopping cart and proceed to checkout. You will be asked to provide your shipping address. Based on your shipping address the next page will be displayed, showing you different shipping services and shipping cost. You may then pick the required USPS shipping service.
Why is Print Processing fee charged?
Orders for $19.99 and under will be charged a $5.00 processing fee.
Order Changes After Placement |
Can I make changes to the order placed?
No, you cannot make changes to the order place. Since all orders are final and we do not refund. Orders placed are automatically queued in the system for processing.
Information for Pro Designers/ Artists |
Information Pro Designers / Artists Need to Know.
We calibrate our printers several times a day and utilize only high quality papers and Premium HP Inks.
To achieve the optimum color output for your printed project, please design/ draw your artwork in Adobe by making a simple change to Adobe RGB 1998. This feature is standard on Mac's , but not PC's. To find this: System Preferences → Display → Color and select Adobe RGB 1998. This will provide a good idea of what the CMYK output will look like from our printers, but it won't be exact to the output. By utilizing this resolution type, adjustments can be easily made in CMYK values to achieve the best vivid color gamut for your project.
Anything uploaded in standard RGB or Pantone will automatically be changed to CMYK when printed causing color shift.
We strongly recommend to upload a .jpg file, not a .pdf, designed in the size(s) needed. It is completely acceptable for the uploaded image to be set at 150DPI as the minimum viewing quality distance for a poster is 3 feet versus a piece of collateral that is viewed from 10-12 inches.
If you are designing with full bleed, please set your Adobe drawing canvas to the size you want to order. You do not need to be concerned with leaving room for margins.